Saturday, December 6, 2014

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

On the eve of my departure, I am careful to spend quality time with my children. So after a brief stop at the Towson Town Mall to buy myself a brand new pair of walking shoes for my trip, a basketball for my son, Stanley, an Auntie Anne’s pretzel for my son, Henry, and a few fabulous shirts for my daughter, Audrey at Justice, we all headed home. We broke out the Trivial Pursuit, girls versus boys, in a laugh-out-loud, fun-filled afternoon.
Audrey, Stanley, and Henry Dansicker

I seriously enjoy my children. They are so incredibly funny. At age 9, Stanley, is capable of playing adult Trivial Pursuit and get the answers correct 50% of the time. How is that possible? I am 44, and I can never get a question right or at least that is how it feels. My non-competitive, Henry, 11, who really doesn’t like to play the game, participates with such nonchalance. And Auddie, 10, secretly competitive, enjoyed having the benefit of her teammate propelling her to victory.

These are the moments filled with laughter that I will take with me tomorrow as I make my way to Israel. And these are the memories that my children will hold with them when they wake up on Monday morning for the first time in their lives without mommy. Will they miss me? Probably. Will they live happy, productive lives while I am gone? I hope so. The truth is that if I am doing my job right, they should be able to function without me for 10 days. They should have the self-confidence and desire to fly on their own for a few days, just enough time to taste a little freedom from their mommy-guided lives.

So, I am all packed up, new shoes in tow, and READY TO GO! I believe that my children’s  
happiness will transcend my presence. You know why? Because they have me in their hearts whether I am sitting next to them at the kitchen table playing a board game, out with my girlfriends on a Saturday night, or in a foreign country finding a way to make their lives better by feeding my soul and bringing a new and improved mommy back to them. I am honored to have this opportunity, not only for myself, but for my children. This is an opportunity for all of us to grow!

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